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Using the paymentId and authorization values returned from a previous payment, refund requests are submitted as POST requests to the /payments/paymentId/refund path.

For example, let's assume we've created a payment for $14.00 and received a paymentId of 64acad09c79c5e590217a1a5 and an authorization of EP273834 in the response.

Then, to refund $10.50 of the payment, we'd send the request to /payments/64acad09c79c5e590217a1a5/refund, as follows:

Request: Refund a Payment
POST /payments/64acad09c79c5e590217a1a5/refund
"amount": 1050,
"authorization": "EP273834"
Response: Refund a Payment
"paymentId": "64aca4e5c79c5e590217a16a",
"type": "refund",
"status": "completed",
"approved": true,
"captured": false,
"authorization": "EP273834",
"amount": 1050,

Now, if you look up the original transaction, you will see that its status has changed to 'refunded' and that there is a refundDetails attribute which is an array of paymentIds of the refund transactions. There is also a remaining value, which is the amount of un-refunded funds 350 cents in this case.

Request: Get Payment Details
GET /payments/64acad09c79c5e590217a1a5
Response: Get Payment Details
"paymentId": "64af9580c79c5e590217a1d5",
"type": "payment",
"status": "refunded",
"approved": true,
"captured": true,
"refunded": true,
"refundDetails": {
"refunds": [
"remaining": 350

Usage Notes

You can refund any captured payment, so either a 1-pass payment, or any captures of an authorization.

If required, you can refund a portion of the payment - you do not need to refund the whole amount.