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Response Codes

Exact Response Codes

Exact response codes may be returned on any payment and will be part of the exactResponse element in the response payload:

"exactResponse": {
"code": "00",
"message": "Transaction Normal"

If the code is not 00, it means that the payment failed inside our network and was never submitted to the processor. The sentToBank attribute will be false in the response.

Exact Response CodeStatusDetails
00Transaction NormalProcessed successfully at Gateway to Processor
08CVV2/CID/CVC2 Data not VerifiedThe CVD code received from the processor matched one of your CVV filters
09Transaction Reversed
12Message Timed-out at HostWe timed-out while trying to contact the processor
44Address not VerifiedThe AVS code received from the processor matched one of your AVS filters
61Internal Network ErrorA network connection failed during processing
95Invalid Currency RequestedYou tried to process in a currency which is not enabled for your account

Bank Response Codes

Bank response codes may be returned on any payment and will be part of the bankResponse element:

"bankResponse": {
"code": "AA",
"message": "Approved"

If the code is not AA, it means that the payment was rejected by the processor. The sentToBank attribute will be true in the response.

Bank Response CodeResultStatusAction
NCDeclinedDecline (Pick up card)none
NDDeclineDecline (Hard or Soft)none
NFDeclineDecline (Record Not Found)none
NRDeclineDecline (Referral Message)none
N7DeclineDecline (For CVV2 Only)none