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Using the paymentId and authorization values returned from a previous payment, void requests are submitted as POST requests to the /payments/paymentId/void path.

For example, let's assume we've created a payment and received a paymentId of 64af98cfc79c5e590217a23b and an authorization of EP273834 in the response.

Then, to void the payment, we'd send the request to /payments/64af98cfc79c5e590217a23b/void, as follows:

Request: Void a Payment
POST /payments/64af98cfc79c5e590217a23b/void
"amount": 1000,
"authorization": "EP273834"
Response: Void a Payment
"paymentId": "64aca4e5c79c5e590217a16a",
"type": "void",
"status": "completed",
"approved": true,
"captured": false,
"authorization": "EP273834",
"amount": 1000,

Now, if you look up the original transaction, you will see that its status has changed to 'voided' and that there is a voidDetails attribute which is an array containing the paymentId of the void transaction.

Request: Get Payment Details
GET /payments/64acad09c79c5e590217a1a5
Response: Get Payment Details
"paymentId": "64af98cfc79c5e590217a23b",
"type": "payment",
"status": "voided",
"approved": true,
"captured": true,
"voided": true,
"voidDetails": {
"voids": [

Usage Notes

When voiding a payment, the amount being voided must exactly match the original amount of the payment.

Once a payment has been settled, you cannot void it. If you need to "undo" a settled transaction, you must refund it.

You can void an authorization, at which point no further captures against that authorization are permitted. However, any captures up to that point are not voided.